Padme & Ocha updates

Got the fall thingie. Wasn’t too expensive, thank god. Had to drive all over creation to get it.
Looks good, tho. Tomorrow I am going to get the ribbon and we’re going to figure out how to do the hair this weekend
what else–
Am working on ocha boots, ears, amidala necklace and amidala dress tonight. If we have time might start on ocha vest.
9 more days…….. !
So far, besides Shadowcat, Ocha, and Amidala, I’m also taking She-Ra, Hermione, Fake Buffy, and *maybe* Urd. Depends.
I am overjoyed at the fact that for once I don’t have huge things I have to be packing (*cough*luluwigandbeltthing*cough*) Perhaps I can actually fit everything in two suitcases this time instead of three! (only thing is, EVERY costume has a different pair of shoes. no doubling over ; shadowcat has blue boots, ocha has big white boots, she-ra has brown boots, buffy has chunky black boots, hermione has black mary janes and urd has little black boots. yuck! Notice I don’t mention amidala – I’m wearing my normal sandals with it, and am going to try to get away with *no* shoes as much as possible -_-;